7V Jewelry
Last summer appealed to me.
at Catalina I found a trinket that It was a key chain with a beautiful little, pointed, closed toe, high heeled pump on the end of it. The key chain is fastened right inside of the shoe. It was so cute that I bought it. Like all good things it finally wore out but then the idea oc- curred to me that maybe a lot of you would have liked it too. I took it to a jeweler and arranged to have it manufactured. Not knowing how many would be in- terested I could not order large quantities so natur- ally the price has to be a little higher than it would be in a store. However, I think you'll get a kick out of having it as your key ring because it is different and because even if you can't wear your heels you can feel some satisfaction in carrying this miniature one. In fact, buy 2 of them, put both shoes on the same chain and then make jokes about "a pair of heels", Just ask for the "Key Holder". The whole thing is in gold. The price is... .$2.50
Ever since the formation of Phi Pi Epsilon the idea of an identifying pin has been brought up per- iodically. Regular sorority-type pins are too expen- ive so nothing was done about it. Now, however, I have found a very cute little item that I bought and wore myself as a tie pin before it dawned on me that it would make a very fitting and symbolic FPE emblem. It can be worn as a tie pin with men's clothes or as a broach when "en femme" and is an attractive item either way. It is finished in gold. I will not des- cribe it here because it is for FPE members only, but I will have Fran describe it in the FEMME FORUM. In. the meantime if you are a member you can order it from Chevalier. It's price is $4 but one ($1) of this will go to the Foundation treasury.